The Alentejo

We've spent our time this week in the south of Portugal otherwise know as The Alentejo. Yehuda's cousins, Netta and Noam live here with their absolutely amazing girls, Lily, Polly, and Tony.

We are actually obsessed with these kids! They are so friendly and fearless! They always want to play, climb trees, do puzzles and just hang out with the local cats. They are extremely bright and sweet and we have really been enjoying our time with them.

The Alentejo is a beautiful oasis with tons of nature, rich culture, and adorable horses!
Being that Yehuda's cousins are in the process of creating their own school, we figured we'd lend a helping hand and have been working on creating an educational garden for them. Their school is like nothing I've ever seen before. Firstly, the school is basically in the middle of the woods... and secondly, the school is made out of two dome shaped... idk what to call them but I'm going to go with YURTS!
Yes, yurts. The domes are pretty big and the teachers have been working on making them very cozy, loading them with toys and games and it looks like it's going to be a really cool learning environment for the kids.

Over the past few days we've also gotten more comfortable and have even gone into "town" a few times. Town is basically a tiny little village with maybe 100-200 people in it. Even thought the village is so small, it's nice to know there are people around here because it's just so QUIET, like all the time.
We really felt like locals this Friday when we were walking around and bumped into a man that we knew from the school! Bumping into locals that we know always helps make us feel at home.

See Ya!


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