Sines - The Town of Waiting in Line

Sines, what is there to say about Sines.
(It's pronounced Sinesh just by the way).
It's a little town that kind of looks like the old city of Jerusalem (most cities here do). It has a bunch of shops, a castle, and also has this huge art exhibit that is insane. Yehuda and I walked through it and laughed the whole time because we literally just didn't get it. It was enormous, especially for such a small city. It had maybe 30 exhibits. And, it was absolutely bizarre, we couldn't figure out if it was a social expirement or not. 

We also did a lot of waiting in Sines. We waited at a cafe for a smoothie for 20 minutes, then we waited at another Cafe for bread to be toasted... to be toasted, and that took 20 minutes. Sines was by far the slowest paced town we visited so far.

Bye Bye for Now!


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