
Time in Nepal is a very interesting concept. Napalese people seem to think time goes by quickly, or atleast things move quickly. Take us humans for example, when a Nepalese person says a hike will take an hour, they assume humans move quickly, thus they will get to their destination quickly. That was never the case for us on this trip. We heard about Sarangkot... we heard it was easy, it was only a 2-3 hour walk. But, somehow, Yehuda and I managed to turn it into a 4.5 hour walk. It took us forever! We walked from our hotel all the way up to the top. The view was nice but sadly it was a little foggy the day we chose to do it.
We also happened to have gotten harassed by a dog on our path which totally bugged me out and made the experience a difficult one for me.


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